Bus routes in Laajasalo to be coordinated with tram services in the future

New bus routes will be introduced in Laajasalo when the Kruunusillat tramway opens approximately in early 2027. The new bus routes will provide feeder services to access both trams and the metro. The routes and timetables will be coordinated with tram services. We have planned the new routes in close interaction with Laajasalo residents.

New bus routes will be introduced in Laajasalo when trams start running via the Kruunusillat bridges to Kruunuvuorenranta and Yliskylä. According to current estimates, the tram services will launch in early 2027.

The role of buses will change because trams will form the backbone of public transport nearly everywhere in Laajasalo. Buses will provide feeder services to access both trams and the metro. To make interchanging between modes of transport as easy as possible, the routes and timetables of bus services are coordinated with tram services.

"Llocal transport links in Laajasalo will improve in may ways. For example, in the future, buses will run all the way to the southern parts of Kruunuvuorenranta,” says public transport planner Essi Kyllönen.

“A new bus route, 87, will provide links from Kruunuvuorenranta to Herttoniemi. Feeder bus routes serving Jollas and Santahamina will run more frequently than at present during the daytime and on weekends.”

Future Laajasalo bus routes:
• 85 Herttoniemi (M) – Jollas
• 85N Railway Square – Herttoniemenranta – Jollas
• 86 Herttoniemi (M) – Reiherintie – Santahamina
• 87 Herttoniemi (M) – Gunillantie – Haakoninlahti
• 87N Railway Square – Yliskylä – Gunillantie – Haakoninlahti
• 88 Herttoniemi (M) – Yliskylä – Kruunuvuorenranta – Kaitalahti
• 89 Herttoniemi (M) – Yliskylä
• 808 Jollas – Kruunuvuorenranta

Route and stop information facilitate the planning of streets

The aim has been to develop a bus route network that meets the residents’ needs as well as possible and also implements HSL’s strategic goal of cost effective transport services.

However, the costs of Kruunusillat tram services will surpass the revenue from tickets and the savings attainable by reorganizing bus services. Consequently, the new connection contributes to increasing the pressure to raise public transport ticket prices.

We drew up the plan now although the services will not launch until at earliest 2027. In this way, the City of Helsinki can use our route and stop information when planning and constructing streets and other routes in the new neighborhoods.

There may be changes to the planned bus routes if the routes and timetables of trams change.

We amended the plan in response to feedback from residents

We planned the new routes in close interaction with Laajasalo residents. A blog about the plan was a main channel of interaction. On the blog, public transport planners provided information about the progress of planning and discussed the plan with residents.

In autumn 2020, we conducted a travel survey to gather information about the travel habits and needs of people living and travelling in Laajasalo. We also held two workshop for the residents. When the first draft was completed, we gathered feedback on it and revised the plan on the basis of the comments received.

“Based on feedback from residents, we shortened travel times of current bus routes 84 and 88 already in summer 2021,” says Essi Kyllönen. “The idea of a new neighborhood route 808 came from feedback we received on the first draft plan.”

“Best public transport services are designed together. Many thanks to all who participated in the planning!”

Read more about the route network plan in our blog

Read more about the Kruunusillat tramway 


A concept sketch of Kruunusillat tramway set to be introduced approximately in 2027. Image: Kruunusillat, City of Helsinki, WSP, Knight Arcitechts