The commission testing and technical test runs carried out in November on the first six-kilometer-long section of the light rail line 550 (Jokeri Light Rail) have been completed. So far the test runs have included e.g. testing the switch control and traffic light systems as well as running the tram in various weather conditions and at different speeds.
The next testing phase will begin between Oulunkylä and Hämeenlinnanväylä at the beginning of December. After that, the test runs will continue in phases and move gradually towards the western terminus in Keilaniemi.
If the test runs go according to plan, they will be completed by June 2023.
The first Artic X54 trams ordered by the Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd have been delivered as planned. At the moment, the first two trams are already fully operational and they are being stored at the Roihupelto depot. Moreover, the third tram has just been delivered.
The remaining commission testing and technical test runs must go according to plan in order for the light rail line to be able to begin its services. In addition, the remaining 16 trams required for passenger transportation need to be delivered by next autumn before services can begin.
The process of recruiting new drivers for the light rail line 550 will begin in December 2022.
HSL is already preparing for the possible scenario that the light rail line begins operating earlier than expected by allocating operating costs to 2023.