Updates to the Conditions of Carriage and Tickets Terms and Conditions

We are updating our Public Transport Conditions of Carriage and Ticket Terms and Conditions from 1 April 2023. The following sections will be updated: 3.1 Single tickets, 3.2 Day tickets and 7.4 Cancelling a penalty fare.

A clause will be added to the terms and conditions for single and day tickets purchased using the HSL app specifying that tickets cannot be transferred from one phone to another. If you delete the HSL app from your phone or log out from the app, you will lose any valid single and day tickets.

A clause will be added to the terms and conditions for the validity of day tickets purchased using the HSL app specifying that on the last day of validity, the ticket will be valid until 4.30am on the next calendar day.

Section 7.4 Cancelling a penalty fare will be amended as follows:
A penalty fare may be cancelled upon consideration if you had an appropriate and valid season ticket on your personal HSL card or in the HSL app when the penalty fare was issued, and you can afterwards reliably prove it.

The penalty fare may be cancelled at the Penalty Fares Office before the due date. A processing fee is charged for the cancellation. The single ticket sold by the ticket inspector will not be refunded. However, we are not obliged to cancel the penalty fare even if you had an appropriate, valid season ticket because, pursuant to the Act on Penalty Fares in Public Transport, you have an obligation to present an appropriate ticket upon ticket inspection.

HSL Public Transport Conditions of Carriage and Ticket Terms and Conditions