Tell us your opinion of HSL’s value proposition

We have launched a survey that aims to gather opinions on our value proposition. In order to be able to gather as varied a set of opinions as possible, we would also like to hear from those who for instance use a car or prefer walking over public transport.

Are you familiar with HSL’s value proposition? It states that we will do everything we can so that our customers find our mobility solutions to be reliable and easy and that they feel personalized and are always a responsible choice.

We would like to know what our value proposition means to you, how well it resonates with you and what kind of expectations you have for us as a provider of public transport services.

It takes only a couple of minutes to answer the survey. By taking the survey, you get to have your say on which areas of public transport you think should be developed further. The survey is a great opportunity to tell us how our services could be developed to make them even more suitable for your needs.

In addition to those who use public transport regularly or occasionally, we would also like to hear from people who prefer other modes of transport. Whether you use a car or a bicycle or travel on foot, your answers are important as they enable us to gather as varied a set of opinions as possible.

By taking the survey, you will also get a chance to win a prize: all respondents will be entered into a draw for six S Group gift cards (one card is worth €60). Do not pass this opportunity to voice your opinion and win a prize!

Click here to open the survey. The survey will be open until Sunday 8 September.

Thank you for your answers! We will publish information about the results on our website later in the autumn.