HSL to pay its bus operators EUR 1.4 million in environmental bonuses

HSL will pay approximately EUR 1.4 million in environmental bonuses to its bus operators. This will cut carbon dioxide emissions by 16.3 tons.

Three operators participated in the environmental bonus competition and submitted a total of 50 tenders. All tenders included the use of renewable diesel produced from waste material or residues as a measure to cut down emissions.

Based on the latest calculation verified by SGS, the lifecycle carbon emissions of renewable diesel fuel are more than 90 percent lower compared to fossil diesel.

The purpose of the environmental bonus system is to encourage bus operators to decrease the amount of emissions from traffic. For the operators, the environmental bonus is additional revenue paid on top of operating compensation. HSL’s goal is to cut carbon dioxide emissions from public transport by 90 percent from 2010 levels by the year 2025.

As regards the size of the environmental bonuses, HSL will pay approximately EUR 527,000 to Pohjolan Liikenne, approximately EUR 534,000 to Nobina and approximately EUR 323,000 to Koiviston Auto Helsinki.