Bus 17 rerouted, new departure stop for bus 15 in Salmisaari

The departure stop of bus 15 in Salmisaari will change and bus 17 will be rerouted from 13 August. Bus 17 will no longer run between Eira and Salmisaari.

The new departure stop of bus 15 is at Energia-aukio instead of Salmisaarenranta.

Bus 17 is rerouted to run from Kallio to Munkkisaari. The new northern departure and end stop will be in Karhupuisto, the southern end stop will be on Matalasalmenkuja in Munkkisaari. The bus will no longer run between Eira and Salmisaari, but bus 21 has been running between Eira and Ruoholahti since June.