Bus 550 rerouted in Oulunkylä to run via Siltavoudintie from 17 June

Norrtäljentie will be closed to throug traffic on Monday 17 June and trunk route 550 will be diverted to run via Siltavoudintie to Käskynhaltijantie. The bus will not serve the "Mäkitorpantie" (H3165) and "Käskynhaltijantie" (H3163, H3164) bus stops. The closest stops are "Oulunkylän tori" (H3119) and "Norrtäljentie" (H3152 and H3151) on Käskynhaltijantie. The diversion is required to enable the construction of the Jokeri light rail line.

Linjan 550 reitti Oulunkylässä muutetaan kulkemaan Siltavoudintien kautta omalle reitilleen Käskynhaltijantielle.