Bus 506 rerouted in Myllypuro from 1 January

Bus 506 will be rerouted in Myllypuro from 1 January 2020. In the direction of Myllypuro, the bus will run from Latokartanontie directly to Myllypurontie. It will no longer run via Ring Road I. The bus will no longer serve the "Latokartanonsilmukka" (H4538), "Kivikontie" (H4534), "Kurkimäki" (H4288) and "Liikuntamylly" (H4286) bus stops. Instead, the bus will serve the "Hallainvuorentie" (H4539), "Myllyrengintie" (H4543) and "Karistimentie" (H4263) stops. The terminus of the route is "Myllypuro (M)" (H4265). The departure stop will not change, the bus departs from the "Myllypuro (M)" stop (H4264).

There will be another route change for bus 506 in Viikki. At the same time, the bus will start running every 15 minutes instead of every 20 minutes Monday to Friday between 9am and 2pm. There will also be other changes to the timetables for the route. The changes enable better synchronization of routes serving Latokartano and improve transport links to the new Myllypuro campus.

Karttakuva bussilinjan 506 uudesta reitistä Myllypurossa 1.1. alkaen