Changes to bus stops for neighborhood route 149 in Espoonlahti from 1 February

Traffic arrangements around the Pikkulaiva shopping center in Espoonlahti changed at the beginning of February. The direction of travel of neighborhood route 149 in front of the shopping center has changed.

Traffic arrangements around the Pikkulaiva shopping center in Espoonlahti changed at the beginning of February. The direction of travel of neighborhood route 149 in front of the shopping center has changed. Instead of stop E4060, the bus serves stop E4059. In addition, the bus now serves the "Espoonlahdenportti" (E4004) stop on Kivenlahdentie.

There is also a minor change to the route of neighborhood bus 148 but there no are changes to the bus stops served.

The map below shows the new direction of travel of bus 149 in blue.

Kuva lähibussin 149 uudesta reitistä Pikkulaivan luona