Bus routes 436/K, 437/K and 566/V diverted in Hämeenkylä from 12 April. Kakolanmäki stops on Ring Road III closed

Bus routes 436, 436K, 437, 437K, 566 and 566V will be diverted in Hämeenkylä via Ring Road III from Monday 12 April. The section of route between Tavastkullantie and Ainontie will not be served. In addition, the "Kakolanmäki" bus stops (V1214 and V1215) on Ring Road III will be permanently closed.

Bus routes 436, 436K, 437, 437K, 566 and 566V will be diverted in Hämeenkylä via Ring Road III from Monday 12 April due to upgrading of Ring Road III. Eastbound buses will use the same route as westbound buses. The section of route between Tavastkullantie and Ainontie will not be served. The buses will not serve the "Hämeenkylän kartano" (V1236), "Tavastkullantie" (V1289) and "Maissikuja" (V1295) bus stops.

In addition, the "Kakolanmäki" bus stops (V1214 and V1215) on Ring Road III will be permanently closed.

The closest stops are "Vanhankyläntie" (V1216 and V1217) on Ring Road III at the Askistontie intersection and on Martinkyläntie. Other buses will serve bus stops on Ainontie as usual.

The diversion will remain in place until autum 2021. 

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