“Nöykkiönpuro” bus stop on Martinsillantie closed temporarily as of 22 June

The “Nöykkiönpuro” bus stop E4945 on Martinsillantie will be closed temporarily as of 22 June due to water supply work.

The “Nöykkiönpuro” bus stop E4945 on Martinsillantie will be closed temporarily as of 22 June. The nearest replacement stop is the “Järvisilta” bus stop E4948.  The stop is estimated to remain in the temporary location until 1 July. The relocation affects bus routes 124 to Tillinmäki, 124K to Saunalahti, 146N to Saunalahti and 157 to Tillinmäki. The stop is relocated due to water supply work.

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