Metro services to the east of Kulosaari to resume on Monday 26 July

Metro services to the east of Kulosaari will resume on Monday morning 26 July. Metro stations in East Helsinki will also reopen. There have been changes to departure bays and routes of several bus routes due to the bridge and the replacement buses. The buses will revert back to their normal routes and stops on Monday morning 26 July.

Metro services to the east of Kulosaari will resume on Monday morning 26 July. Metro stations in East Helsinki will also reopen.

Metro services to East Helsinki have been disrupted since Saturday 17 July due to the replacement of Kipparlahti metro bridge in Herttoniemi and replacement buses 99B, 99V and 99M have been serving East Helsinki. The replacement buses stop running after Sunday evening.

During the service disruption, other repair works have been carried at metro stations. For example, lighting has been improved at Itäkeskus and Kontula stations. Also other metro bridge were repaired, e.g. the Siilitie metro bridge.

There have been changes to departure bays and routes of several bus routes in Itäkeskus, Herttoniemi, Kulosaari, Hakaniemi and at the Railway Square due to the bridge and the replacement buses. The buses will revert back to their normal routes and stops on Monday morning 26 July.