Changes to bus routes in Nikkilä and northern Sipoo on 10 and 16 August

There will be changes to bus routes in Nikkilä and northern Sipoo on Tuesday 10 and Monday 16 August. Some of the changes take place outside the HSL area, that is, in Pornainen and Järvenpää.

There will be changes to bus routes in Nikkilä and northern Sipoo on Tuesday 10 and Monday 16 August. Some of the changes take place outside the HSL area, that is, in Pornainen and Järvenpää.

Sipoo’s school bus routes 982, 984, 986, 987, 989 and 992–996 will have new timetables that take effect on Tuesday 10 August. As for the other bus routes, winter timetables will take effect as usual on Monday 16 August.


Changes that take place in northern Sipoo:

  • The terminus of night bus 841N will be relocated near Nikkilä manor (Nikkilän kartano). The bus route will no longer service Jokimäki in Pornainen, but night buses from Helsinki will run only as far the manor.
  • Bus 786 from the Railway Square to Järvenpää will be replaced with bus routes 785, 787 and 788 between the Railway Square and Nikkilä and with bus route 986 between Nikkilä–Paippinen–Järvenpää.  In other words, bus route 786 will be withdrawn.
  • The routes of buses 787, 987 and 989 will be harmonized and made clearer mainly outside the HSL area:
    • In the future, buses labelled 787A, 987B and 987T will run via Laukkoski.
    • Bus 987 will provide all services from Pornainen via Pohjois-Paippinen to Järvenpää.
    • In the future, bus 989 will only run outside the HSL area from Pornainen via Halkia and Pihlajamäki to Järvenpää.