Changes to morning departure times for route 982 as of 29 November 2021

There will be minor changes to the timetables of the Sipoo bus route 982, Nikkilä–Neulasniitty–Talma, as of Monday 29 November 2021. Departures from Nikkilä at 8.45am and the Talma school at 9.07am will be brought forward by four minutes.

There will be minor changes to the timetables of the Sipoo bus route 982, Nikkilä–Neulasniitty–Talma, as of Monday 29 November 2021. Departures from Nikkilä at 8.45am and the Talma school at 9.07am will be brought forward by four minutes.

The purpose of the change is to ensure that students can make it in time for class. The new timetables are already available in the Journey Planner as well as in the printable timetables.