"Ylä-Soukka" bus stop in the direction of Matinkylä to be relocated on 31 January

The "Ylä-Soukka" (E4114) bus stop on Yläkartanontie in the direction of Matinkylä will move back to its original location on Monday 31 January.

The "Ylä-Soukka" (E4114) bus stop on Yläkartanontie in the direction of Matinkylä will move back to its original location, i.e. about 50 meters backwards in the direction of travel, on Monday 31 January.

The stop is served by routes 147, 147A, 147N, 542, 543 and 544 as well as by neighborhood route 148.

A bus shelter will be installed later. 

Kartta pysäkin E4114 siirrosta