One Mon-Fri L train to be replaced by bus between Kirkkonummi and Espoo until 12 August

The 4.27am L train from Kirkkonummi (Mon-Fri) will be replaced by bus 211X from Kirkkonummi to Espoo due to track work. According to estimate, the arrangement will last at least until Friday 12 August. The train will depart from Espoo to Helsinki at 4.43am.

The 4.27am L train Monday to Friday from Kirkkonummi has been cancelled between Kirkkonummi and Espoo due to track work. The train will depart from Espoo to Helsinki at 4.43am.

Between Kirkkonummi and Espoo, the train will be replaced by bus 211X. The bus will depart from Kirkkonummi Travel Center and run to Espoo station. The arrangement has been in place since December 2021 and is expected to continue at least until Friday 12 August.

Replacement bus

Replacement bus 211X will depart from Kirkkonummi from bay 12 at 3.58am and run to Espoo via the intermediate stations.
NB! In Jorvas, bus 211X will only stop at the new "Jorvaksenkaari" bus stops next to the station (bay 12).

You can use the same tickets as for the trains when travelling on a replacement bus. If you have a valid ticket, you can board the replacement buses using the middle doors and do not need to show your ticket to the driver.

The route and timetables of the replacement bus are available in the Journey Planner:

Bus 211X Kirkkonummi-Espoo station