Updated: "Auroran sairaala" bus stop on Nordenskiöldinkatu to be relocated on 14 June

Updated 7 Dec: The stop is estimated to remain in the temporary location until 9 December.

The "Auroran sairaala" bus stop (H2072, Aurora Hospital) on Nordenskiöldinkatu will be relocated about 100 meters backwards in the direction of travel (i.e. towards Pasila station) on Tuesday 14 June.

The stop is served by route 500 to Munkkivuori, route 510 to Westendinasema, route 506 to Ruskeasuo and by routes 69 and 848 in the direction of Kamppi.

The relocation is due to excavation work and the stop is expected to remain in the temporary location until the end of November.

The stop on map

Pysäkkisiirto kartalla. Pysäkki siirtyy noin 100 metriä ajosuunnassa taaksepäin.