Bus route 23 and tram route 3 to be diverted on Saturday 6 August due to Kallio Block Party

There will be street closures in Alppila on Saturday 6 August between 8am and midnight due to Kallio Block Party. Bus route 23 and tram route 3 will be diverted.

There will be street closures in Alppila on Saturday 6 August between 8am and midnight due to Kallio Block Party. Bus route 23 and tram route 3 will be diverted. Bus route 23 will be diverted on Saturday approximately from 7.40am to midnight. Tram 3 will be diverted from 8am to midnight and will run under route number 3B.

Bus 23 to the city center will run from Pasila via Aleksis Kiven katu to Sturenkatu. From the city center to Pasila, bus 23 will run along Sturenkatu via Mäkelänkatu, Kumpulantie, Ratamestarinkatu and Asemapäällikönkatu to Pasila station, from where it will resume its normal route. Viipurinkatu will not be served as it will be closed up to Kotkankatu.

The following stops will not be served: “Porvoonkatu” (H2123), “Linnanmäki” (H0633 and H0634), “Karjalankatu” (H063 and H0636), “Savonkatu” (H2104) and “Teollisuuskatu” (H2105). The bus will serve all stops along the diversion route.

Tram 3 will run from the Olympia Terminal to Toinen linja under route number 3B between 8am and midnight. The tram will terminate at the “Ensi linja” stop (H0230) and the section of route from Hakaniemi onwards will not be served. This means that the stops between Karhupuisto and Kuusitie will not be served.

Tram 9 runs from Rautatientori and Hakaniemi to Aleksis Kiven katu. The tram serves the “Kotkankatu” stops (H0657 and H0656), which are close to the “Linnanmäki (pohj.)” stops (H0633 and H0634) of tram 3.

Stops not served:

Karhupuisto (H0255 and H0256)

Kaarlenkatu (H0257)

Urheilutalo (H0278 and H0259)

Alppila (H0631 and H0362)

Linnanmäki (pohj.) (H0633 and H0634)

Karjalankatu (H0635 and H0636)

Eläintarha (H0637 and H0638)

Auroran sairaala (H0639 and H0640, Aurora Hospital)

Töölön tulli (H0133 and H0134)

Jalavatie (H0135 and H0136)

Kuusitie (H0132 and H0137)

Map showing the diversion route of bus 23

Linjan 23 poikkeusreitti 6.8. Ei ajeta Viipurinkadun kautta.

Map showing the diversion route of tram 3

Linjan 3B poikkeusreitti kartalla Olympiaterminaali - Toinen linja. Hakaniemestä kuusitielle ei ajeta.