Changes to stop names and numbers in Pasila from 17 October

The Ilmala tramway will bring about changes to the names and numbers of bus stops on Radiokatu and Pasilankatu.

The Ilmala tramway will bring about changes to the names and numbers of bus stops on Radiokatu and Pasilankatu. Since buses will serve the same stops as tram 9, the stop numbers will be harmonized as of Monday 17 October. Additionally, the “TV-keskus” bus stops will be renamed “Uutiskatu”.

The changes to stop names and numbers from 17 October

  • TV-keskus H2090 will be renamed Uutiskatu H0626 (towards the Pasila station)
  • TV-keskus H2091 will be renamed Uutiskatu H0627 (towards Ilmala)
  • Eevanmäki H2096 will be renamed Eevanmäki H0624 (towards the Pasila station)
  • Eevanmäki H2097 will be renamed Eevanmäki H0625 (towards Ilmala)