Minor changes to the timetables for bus routes 522 and 555 from 7 November

Minor changes will be made to the timetables of bus routes 522 and 555 from Monday 7 November.

Changes to bus route 522 Leppävaara – Pähkinärinne – Vantaankoski from 7 November

Minor changes will be made to the timetable of bus route 522 based on its journey times. Special attention has been paid to ensure smooth interchanging between bus route 522 and trunk bus route 300 and that the headway is even with bus routes 311 and 555.

The stops in Hämevaara and Hämeenkylä that are used as timing points from Leppävaara to Vantaankoski will be closed. The new stop that the bus uses as a timing point in Pähkinärinne is called “Karhunkierros” V1207. The purpose of these changes is to improve interchanging between bus route 522 and trunk bus route 300.

Changes to bus route 555 Keilaniemi – Martinlaakso from 7 November

Changes will be made to the timetable of bus route 555 especially between Leppävaara and Keilaniemi based on its journey times.

Due to a large number of passengers during the morning peak hour, the route will get a new service that departs from Martinlaakso at 7.57am. The departure times from Keilaniemi and Martinlaakso will be adjusted by a few minutes. 

The new timetables are available in the Journey Planner as well as in the printable timetables.