Updated on 2 January: Changes to the stops for bus routes 614, 617, 623, 633 and 643 in Hakaniemi from 8 January

The departure stop for bus routes 614 to Ylästö, 617 to Aviapolis, 633 to Korso, and 643 and 643K to Hyrylä in Hakaniemi will change on Monday 8 January 2024. The departure stop for bus route 623 to Peijas will change on Sunday 7 January. Buses 73 and 74 will exceptionally use the same departure stop on Sunday. The new departure stop is bay 25, "Hakaniemi" (H2504) on Hakaniemen torikatu.

Updated on 2 January: Bus 623 to Peijas will serve the new departure stop from Sunday 7 January. Buses 73 and 74 will also use the same departure stop on Sunday 7 January.

The buses will not serve the "Hakaniemi" (H2063) stop on Siltasaarenkatu and the "Hakaniemi" (H2401) stop at Hakaniemen tori.

The changes are due to the construction of the Kruunusillat bridges. Due to the works, Siltasaarenkatu will be closed to northbound traffic between John Stenbergin ranta and Hakaniemenranta. Norhtbound traffic from Pitkäsilta will be diverted via John Stenbergin ranta. There is not enough space for all buses terminating in Hakaniemi in the area during the works. The arrrangement is expected to remain in place until late 2025.

The terminus of buses 73 and 74 will also be temporarily relocated to Karhupuisto due to the construction work from Monday 8 January. Please note that on Sunday 7 January, buses 73 and 74 will expectionally depart from bay 25 (the "Hakaniemi" stop H2504), while they normally depart from the "Hakaniemi" stop (H2063). Read more in a separate release.

Kartta Hakaniemen laiturisiirroista