The "Simonkallion koulu" (V6504) bus stop on Koivukyläntie will be temporarily closed from Wednesday 21 February.
For bus routes 623, 631, 633N and 641, the closest stop is "Simonkallio" (V6502) on Koivukyläntie about 200 meters forward in the direction of travel.
For bus route 574, the closest stop is "Simonkallionkuja" (V6511) on Simonkalliontie about 200 meters forward in the direction of travel.
The change affects bus 574 to Myyrmäki, bus 623 to Hakaniemi, buses 631 and 641 to Tikkurila and bus 633N to Rautatientori.
Updated on 11 March: the stop will reopen on Friday 15 March.