Changes to the names of stops in Kaisaniemi and along bus route 24 from Friday 18 December

There will be changes to the names of some bus and tram stops in Helsinki on Friday 18 Debember. The biggest changes will take place in Kaisaniemi where the Kaisaniemi and Varsapuistikko stops will be renamed. Along route 24, the names of two stops will change in Töölö.

Changes in Kaisaniemi

The Kaisaniemi tram stops (0303 and 0304) will be renamed Kaisaniemenkatu. The name is changed because Kaisaniemi refers to an area wider than the immediate surroundings of the stops and consequently the name is not descriptive enough.  

The Kaisaniemi bus stops (2059, 2060 and 2061) and Varsapuistikko tram stops (0305 and 0306) will be renamed Kaisaniemenpuisto.

Changes along route 24

The Kivelän sairaala (Kivelä Hospital) bus stops (1283 and 1284) will be renamed Sibeliuksenpuisto.

The Krematorio bus stops (1269 and 1270) will be renamed Hietaniemi.