Completely new bus network for Vantaa from 10 August

Bus services will be completely revised in Vantaa in August. The changes take effect on 10 August when HSL’s transport services switch to autumn timetables. Bus services in Vantaa are rerouted and in most cases the services are also renumbered.

Detailed information about the new bus routes is available at At the above address, you can view all routes and timetables in Vantaa and there is also background information about the route network redesign and how its effect in different areas of the city. You can also view the new routes in the Journey Planner by searching timetables for dates falling after 10 August.

In addition, information about the route network redesign was provided in a bulletin distributed to all households in Vantaa in May. The bulletin is available at HSL service points and Vantaa Info. HSL’s timetable booklet containing all HSL area timetables (for 10 August 2015 - 19 June 2016) is available at R kiosks, HSL service points and Vantaa Info. The booklet costs €5.

Routes are renumbered

In addition to changes to routes, most of the bus services are renumbered. The renumbering is done to eliminate duplicate route numbers in different municipalities. Consequently, two-digit route numbers will be eliminated in Vantaa from 10 August. In Espoo, the corresponding change will be made next year when the West Metro is opened.

In Vantaa, the new route numbers have been visible already during the summer because stop signs have already been changed in many places.   

Why the redesign

The bus network is redesigned because of the Ring Rail Line opened to traffic on 1 July. The Ring Rail Line provides the main transport link from Vantaa to the Helsinki city center and bus services provide feeder links to stations and complement the public transport supply.

The aim in the bus network planning has been to create a clear system: headways are more even than before and the number of different route versions have been reduced. At the same time, timetables have been synchronized so that headways would be even also on the shared sections of routes of different services.

Neighborhood routes complement the supply

Demand-responsive Neighborhood routes will complement the public transport supply in Vantaa from 10 August. The buses will operate Monday to Friday 9am-3pm in certain areas around six district centers. The buses accept the usual HSL tickets. You can book a ride by calling HSL Travel Information Center on (09) 4766 4000 at the earliest two weeks in advance.

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