Wrong routes for buses 16 and 55/55K on the route map

The route of buses 16 and 55/55K is wrong on the new route maps
for Helsinki. The map shows the old route of the buses between
Sörnäisten rantatie and Kaisaniemi. 

The routes of the buses changes at the beginning of 2013 so that
bus 16 runs via Kruununhaka along Liisankatu, Pohjoisranta and
Hakaniemi Bridge. Bus 55/55K runs along

In addition, two stops along Liisankatu are missing on the new
route map. The missing stops are Liisanpuistikko (2015) and
Meritullinkatu (2013) in the direction of the city center.

We apologize for the errors.


Routes of buses 16 and 55/55K as of 1 January 2013

Route maps in PDF format:

Bus 16

Bus 55/55K