Bus stops closed on Hannuksentie on 29 and 30 September

The Hannuksenpelto bus stol E4223 located on Hannuksentie is closed from 9.15am on Monday 29 September. Traffic is moved to the new carriageway and bridge in both directions.  The change applies to Espoo internal routes 2, 3, 14, 46 and 543 and regional routes 143, 145, 147N and 504.

The closest bus stop is E4424 "Iivissyrjä" located on Kaitaantie.

On Tuesday 30 Septmber the Ali-Suomenoja bus stop E4419  also located on Hannuksentie is closed due to street construction. The change affects Espoo internal routes 2, 3, 14 and 543 and regional routes 143, 145, 147N and 504.

The closest stop in the direction of Helsinki is the Ali-Suomenoja stop E4418  on the ramp to Länsiväylä and in the direction of Finnoontien the Hannus bus stop 4421 on Hannuksentie.