Changes on routes 992 and 991 from 10 November

Route 992 is extended from Opintie, Söderkulla to Eriksnäs. The bus will no longer serve Neiti Miilin tie in Söderkulla. The change enables direct bus links between Eriksnäs and the Leppätien school.

Route 992 has services from Eriksnäs at 7.12am, 8.12am and 9.12am (pass times on Opintie in the direction of Nikkilä at7.24am, 8.24am and 9.24am).

There are no changes to the services from Nikkilä. The departure times from Nikkilä are 12.12pm, 1.12pm annd 2.12pm (Opintie in the direction of Eriksnäs at 12.42pm, 1.42pm and 2.42pm).

There is also a service from Nikkilä to Opintie at 3.12pm operated under route number 992B.

Route 992 only runs on school days.

Timetables of route 992

See map

Bus 991 runs from Eriksnäs to Neiti Miilin tie in Söderkullaan and further to Nikkilään. The 8.10am and 9.10am services from Eriksnäs will no longer call at Opintie. Route 992 serves Opinties. The timetables of route 991 do not change.