HSL advices to use commuter trains in the evening peak

 “Morning commuter traffic flowed relatively smoothly in Helsinki. The morning peak lasted longer and passengers found their way to commuter trains and Metro replacement buses.  

The buses were not overly crowded considering," says HSL Head of Group Mika Häyrynen.

HSL advices commuters to use commuter trains also in the afternoon and evening peak when possible for journeys to East Helsinki. Those traveling to Itäkeskus can, for example take a train to Oulunkylä and transfer to the frequently running bus 550X. HSL’s Journey Planner helps to find other alternative routes.

“By directing part of passengers to commuter trains, we can avoid traffic tying up at Rautatientori,” says Häyrynen. HSL’s staff is guiding passengers also during the evening so that everything goes as smoothly as possible," Häyrynen continues.

Another good advice for commuters is to leave a bit earlier than usual or after 6pm, if possible.

Tram and Metro services will resume on Wednesday morning.