Changes to bus stops in Pasila from 29 April

There will again be changes to bus stops on Pasilankatu and Pasilansilta on 29 April due to construction work. These arrangements will remain in place until 31 May.

The temporary bus stop at the west end of Pasilansilta served by eastbound buses will be removed. The Maistraatinportti stops on Pasilankatu were removed earlier. Consequently, the walking distance between the stops served by routes 23, 23N, 50, 59 and 518 running from Radiokatu to Itä-Pasila will be exceptionally long: after the Kyllikinportti stop 2096 next to the police station the next stop is Pasilan asema (Pasila station) 2100 at the ast end of Pasilansilta.  

Routes 58, 58B, 504, 505 and 506 running from Veturitie to Itä-Pasila start to stop at the Palkkatilanportti bus stop (2107) on Pasilankatu.

The temporary stop of buses traveling from the east to Pasilankatu will remain in place.  

The Esterinportti tram stops (0609, 0610) served by trams 7A and 7B remain closed.

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