Changes to the route and operating hours of bus 78 from 10 August

The route of Helsinki internal bus 78 is shortened and the bus starts to run only during peak hours from 10 August.

From 10 August, bus 78 will run from Kontula Metro Station via Kivikko to Ala-Malmin tori. The bus will run only in the morning and evening peaks. The bus will no longer serve the sections of route between Vuosaari and Kontula in the east and between Malmi station and the Malmi Hospital in the west.

In the east, route 78 will be replaced by a new trunk route 560, which will provide the main transport link from Vuosaari via Mellunmäki and Kontula to Malmi.

At the west end of the route, the bus will not serve Malmi Hospital in order to keep better to the schedules as the construction of Kivikko interchange will cause delays to bus services later in the autumn.  However, to make it easier for passengers, the termins of the route will move to Ala-Malmin tori already on 10 August.

As the route will serve as a supplement to trunk route 560, it will only operate during peak hours.  

Linjan 78 uusi reitti 10.8. alkaen