Bus routes diverted in the center of Kerava from Monday 16 January

In Kerava, Aleksis Kiven tie will be closed to traffic from 16 January to at least 16 April due to construction work and bus routes usually running along the street will be diverted. 

The "Keravan tori" (Ke0403 and Ke0404) and "Keravanaukio" (Ke 0405 and Ke 0406) bus stops will not be served. Along the diversion route, buses will serve the "Sampolan tunneli" (Ke0431 and Ke0432) and "Puuvalonaukio" (Ke0426, westbound buses) stops.

The arrangement affects routes 5(K/T), 8(L/T), 632, 633(A/N), 635(Z), 638, 738(K), 962(B), 963, 973 and 983. Use the HSL Journey Planner to see the route of each of the buses.

5(K) Mattilanpuisto
5T Viro
8, 8L and 8T Health center
632, 635(Z), 638 and 738(K) Rautatientori
962 Jumbo
963 Hyrylä

will run to/from Kerava station along Asemantie, Saviontie and Keskustan kehä, from where the buses use their normal route

633(A/N) Rautatientori
973L Peijas

will run to/from Kerava station along Asemantie, Saviontie, normal route.

973 Peijas
will run to/from Kerava station along Asemantie, Saviontie, Sibeliuksentie normal route.

983 Nikkilä-Kilpilahti
The terminus in Kerava will be moved from Kerava market square to Kerava station. The bus stops by Keravanaukio and Kerava market square will not be served.

Bussien poikkeusreitit Keravalla 16.1.-17.3.2017