Changes to bus departure bays at Rautatientori from Monday 26 June

There will be changes to the departure bays of some buses at Rautatientori (Railway Square) from Monday 26 June. The changes affect in particular routes 632-635 and 738, 785-788 leaving from bay 13 on Läntinen Teatterikuja. Bus 55 will continue to use bay 13 on Läntinen Teatterikuja.

From Monday 26 June

- Buses 632, 633 and 635 will leave from bay 12

- Buses 785, 786, 787 and 788 will leave from bay 8

- Bus 738 will leave from bay 3

In addition, bus 841N will leave from bay 8. The map below shows the departure bays of all buses from 26 June. 

Rautatientori 26.6. alkaen