Bus routes diverted in Kerava 26 - 29 April

Bus routes normally operating along Aleksis Kiven tie in Kerava will be diverted from Thursday 26 April 5am to Sunday 29 April 5am due to crane works. The "Keravan tori" (Ke0403 and Ke0404) and "Keravanaukio" (Ke 0405 and Ke 0406) bus stops will be closed and buses will be diverted to run to Kerava station via Asematie. There will be temporary bus stops by the Kauppakaari pedestrian crossing and on Keskustan kehä. The diversion affects routes 632, 633/A/N, 635/Z, 638, 738/K, 962/B, 963, 973/L, 975/K/T, 978/L/T and 983.

kerava poikkeus