Changes to bus stops on Hämeentie from Friday 22 March

There will be changes to bus stops on Hämeentie from Friday 22 March. The "Haapaniemi" and "Sörnäinen (M)" bus stops will be relocated as the Hämeentie redevelopment works progress.

The "Haapaniemi" bus stops (H2405 and H2407), i.e. the stops for northbound buses will be moved into the middle of the street. The new location is opposite the "Haapaniemi" bus stop for southbound buses. The relocation affects all northbound buses running along Hämeentie.

Haapaniemen pysäkit suunnassa pohjoiseen siirtyvät kadun toiselle reunalle

The Sörnäinen Metro Station bus stop ("Sörnäinen (M)," H2401), i.e. the stop for buses going in the direction of the city center will be moved into the middle of the street. The relocation will affect all buses going in the direction of Hakaniemi and the Railway Square. 

Sörnäisten pysäkki H2410 siirtyy raitiovaunukiskojen kohtaan