Changes to stops for routes 111 and 552 in Otaniemi from Monday 14 September

There will be changes to stops for routes 111 and 552 in Otaniemi from Monday 14 September. The "Aalto-yliopisto" stop (E2226, Aalto University) on Otaniementie will be closed and bus 111 will start serving the "Aalto-yliopisto" stops (E2225 and E2230) on Vuoriniementie. The stops are also served by trunk route 550.

Bus 552 will serve the "Aalto-yliopisto" stop (E2229) on the Otaniemi shopping center side of Otaniementie in both directions.

The changes are related to the construction of the Jokeri light rail line. There will be no changes to stops for routes 510, 550 and 555.
Otaniemessä linjojen 111 ja 552 pysäkit siirtyvät