12 months travel for the price of 10

You can buy a season ticket using the HSL app on your phone or your HSL card. Whichever you choose, you pay for 10 months but get 12 months of travel.

On the HSL app, the ticket will be charged to you every 30 days

Buy an auto-renewing saver subscription via the HSL app. Your ticket will be automatically renewed monthly, without separate top ups. When you commit for 12 months, you will get a discount on the season ticket. The ticket will be charged to your debit/credit card automatically every 30 days.

Price examples:

  • AB ticket €58.80/30 days
  • ABC ticket €82.80/30 days

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A ticket for the whole year in one go on your HSL card

You can economize on travel by buying a season ticket for 360 days in one go on your HSL card. You can buy the ticket online, from HSL ticket machines or from sales points. You pay the ticket price in one go at the time of purchase.

AB ticket €705.70/360 days (58.80 € /30 days)
ABC ticket €993.70/360 days (82.80 €/30 days)

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