HSL is conducting field observations to evaluate the quality of public transport

HSL is conducting field observations to evaluate the current
quality of public transport services. The aim of the quality
evaluation is to improve the safety and quality of public
transport, as well as to develop public transport services. The
field observations started on HSL's bus services on Monday 3
September. The first research period will run until 30
November. The field observations will be conducted twice a

The field work is performed by quality evaluators from a
research institution (Taloustutkimus), who will ride HSL’s buses
and record their observations Monday to Friday between 6am and 6pm.
In the first research period, the aim is to collect over 3,300
observations. The quality evaluation will be expanded to cover tram
and Metro services at the beginning of 2013.

HSL can report any observed significant deviations in quality to
bus operators quickly so that, for example, defects causing danger
can be immediately fixed. On the basis of the evaluation results,
operators will get quality bonuses for well-operated services, or
they will be sanctioned for dangerous deviations in quality. 

Operational Research Group of HSL’s Public Transport Planning
Department is responsible for the evaluation.