HSL’s Interim Report 1/2013

In its first Interim Report for 2013, HSL estimates that it will
be able to save some EUR 6.7 million in public transport operating
costs during the year. The savings stem from smaller than
anticipated rise in the cost level. The rolling stock costs of
train services procured by HSL are also lower than anticipated due
to low interest rates.  

The annual operating expenses are estimated to be EUR 580.7
million while operating income is estimated to be EUR 586.6

The loss for the financial year is estimated to be EUR 1
million; HSL has budgeted for a loss of EUR 6.1 million.

By the end of March a total of 66.2 million boardings were made
on HSL’s transport services, excluding train services. This is
slightly less than the year before. However, HSL estimates that the
annual passenger numbers on bus services will increase by some
three percent, on the Metro and Suomenlinna ferry by some four
percent and on train services by just under two percent. 

Ticket revenue is estimated to be about EUR 1.4 million smaller
than budgeted.

Investments costs are estimated to exceed the budget by EUR 1.2
million due to that some investments related to the ticketing and
information systems were postponed from 2012 to 2013.