HSL wants to hear customers’ ideas about the route network plan for North East Helsinki

HSL is preparing a route network plan for North East Helsinki for 2016 – 2023.

The preparation of the plan has started in August/September 2014 with the collection of initial data and next the aim is to study how people’s travel needs could be better met. HSL has opened a blog (in Finnish) meant to serve as an interaction channel.

North East Helsinki includes, for example, Viikki, Pihlajamäki, Malmi, Pukinmäki, Jakomäki, Puistola and Suutarila. Several issues affect the preparation of the plan including the completion of the Ring Rail Line in 2015, the introduction of trunk bus route 560 in August 2015, changes to the tram route network, changes in the passenger numbers on some bus routes as well as changes in the population in some residential areas, and the creation of new residential and employment areas.  

The plan is prepared area by area during autumn 2014 and it is scheduled to be completed in late winter 2015. HSL has opened a blog for the plan where people can follow the progress of the planning process and comment on it. The blog is in Finnish.