Espoo internal bus routes 2 and 4 and regional routes 503, 504 and 505 replaced by buses running to Westendinasema from 10 August

Espoo internal bus routes 2 (Soukka–Otaniemi) and 4 (Kivenlahti–Otaniemi) will be withdrawn from Monday 10 August. The routes will be replaced by regional routes 143 from Soukka and regional roue 147 and 150 from Kivenlahti. From the direction of Soukka and Kivenlahti, passengers to Tapiola can transfer from the routes to trunk route 550 at Westendinasema. From the direction of Helsinki, passengers can transfer to route 550 at Tapiolansolmu.

HSL will increase services on routes 143, 147 and 150 to make transfers smooth.

Routes 12 and 14 will provide a direct bus link from Soukka and Kivenlahti to Tapiola also in the future.

Regional routes 503 (Merihaka–Matinkylä), 504 (Pasila–Kivenlahti) and 505 (Verkkosaari–Kuitinmäki) will be replaced by a new route 551, which will run from Westendinasema via Ring Road I to Munkkiniemi and Pasila. Route 551 will run every ten minutes Monday to Friday during peak hours.

Linjan 551 reitti 10.8. alkaen