Changes to bus departure stops at Rautatientori from 28 November

There will be changes to the departure stops of some bus services at Rautatientori form Monday 28 November. Platform 9 will be closed due construction works on an electric bus charging station. The works are estimated to be completed in May 2017.

During the works, some buses leaving from Rautatientori will be using the bus stop located in front of the Ateneum Art Museum on Kaivokatu (platform 16, routes 70, 73N, 76, 76N and 77) and some buses will use a new stop located on Läntinen Teatterikuja (platform 13, routes 632–635, 738 and 785–788). The buses leaving from the stop on Läntinen Teatterikuja will run to Rautatientori via Kaisaniemenranta and Kaisaniemen puistokuja.

Route  55 will leave from platform 12. In addition, there will be changes to the departure stops of some other routes. The map below shows the departure stops of all buses leaving from Rautatientori.

Once the charging station is completed, it will be possible to charge the electric buses serving on routes 23 and 55 at both ends of the routes. Charging stations have already been constructed at the terminus of route 23 in Ruskeasuo and at the terminus of route 55 in Koskela.

Rautatientorin bussien lähtölaiturit 28.11.2016 alkaen