Changes to neighborhood bus routes in Helsinki from 14 August

There will be changes to Helsinki neighborhood routes 603, 701, 702, 703, 705 and 805 from 14 August.

Changes to neighborhood routes in North-East Helsinki

The changes to routes 603, 701, 702, 703 and 705 are based on the route network plan for North-East Helsinki.

Route 603 will be shortened in Paloheinä. The terminus of the route will be moved from the Paloheinä hut (Paloheinän maja) to the turnaround of bus 63 at the end of Paloheinäntie. At the other end, the route is extended from Ala-Malmi to the Malmi Hospital.

Routes 701 and 703 will be merged into route 701 that will run from Viikki via Pihlajisto, Malmi, Töyrynummi and Suutarila to Siltamäki. The route will serve Yrttimaantie where bus services will be cut. The route will be straigthened in Tapaninvainio, which will in the future be served by route 702.

Routes 702 and 705 will be merged into route 702. The bus will run from Savela via Pukinmäki and Tapaninvainio to Malmi, from where it will continue via Ormuspelto, Fallkulla and Puistola to Jakomäki. In Puistola, the bus will no longer serve the area north of the main railway line.

In addition, a new route, 704, will be introduced. The bus will provide feeder service from Malmi station to the north-eastern parts of Ala-Malmi around Vilppulantie in the morning and evening peak. The route will also serve Nallenmäki along with bus 69. 

Minor changes to routes 802, 805 and 812 in East Helsinki

Neighborhood route 805 will be rerouted in Myllypuro to run along Myllypurontie, Latokartanonkaari, Hallainvuorentie, Harakkamyllyntie, Myllypurontie and Myllypadontie. You can view the new route in HSL's Journey Planner.

Bus 812 will no longer call at Harakkamyllyntie.

Bus 802 will start to call at the end of Orisaarentie in Laajasalo. At the same time, route 802K will be withdrawn.