Changes to bus stops at Kontula Metro Station on 10 August (route 94B) and on 12 August

There will be changes to bus stops at the Kontula Metro Station on Monday 10 August and on Wednesday 12 August. On Monday, the departure stop four route 94B will change: the new departure stop will be bay 16 located on Kontulankaari in front of the station.

On Wednesday 12 August, the "Kontula (M)" stops (H4421 and H4422 / bays 13 and 14) on Keinulaudantie will move next to the Kontulankaari junction. The change will affect routes 92N, 94A, 811, 812 and 812B.

Bus 94B will depart from bay 16 at the Kontula bus terminal from Monday 10 August

Linja 94B siiryy Kontulassa terminaalin laituriin 16

Stops H4421 and H4420 will move next to the Kontulankaari junction on Wednesday 12 August

Keinulaudantien pysäkit siirtyvät Kontulankaaren läheisyyteen