Changes to the routes of buses 165/N and 168 in Kauklahti from 13 August

Valhallantie will be opened for public transport between Lindankuja and Hansatie, allowing the routes of buses 165 Matinkylä (M)-Kauklahti  and 165N  Kamppi-Kauklahti to be extended in Kauklahti from Hansavalkama to Valhalla from 13 August. In addition,  neighborhood route 168 Espoon keskus - Mikkelä - Kauklahti will be rerouted to run via Valhallantie instead of Kauklahden puistotie. The bus has been diverted from April 2017 and will now return to its normal route.

Buses 165 and 165N

Linja 165/N reitti

Neighborhood route 168

Lähibussi 168