Changes to the timetables for neighborhood route 802 and route change in Yliskylä from 7 January 2019

There will be change to the timetables of neighborhood route 802 from 7 January 2019 to improve the punctuality of the services and transport links from Marjaniemi to Roihuvuori Comprehensive School. 

In addition, the bus will be rerouted in Yliskylä to run along Yliskylän puistokatu insetead of along Laajasalontie. The bus will no longer serve the  "Reposalmensilta" (H4547 and H4548) bus stops. In the future, the bus will stop at the stops on Yliskylä puistokatu (H4970 and H4971). The stops are not marked.

New timetables for route 802 (and 812) from 7 January 2019

Linja 802 reittimuutos Yliskylä