Routes 90 and 96N diverted in Aurinkolahti due to street work

UPDATE on 2 October 10.30am: The diversion route will change on 3 October

Aurinkotuulenkadun on asvaltti jyrsitty katutyön vuoksi siten että, linja-autoilla ei voi toistaiseksi liikennöidä katua ennen uutta asvaltointia. Linjat 90 ja 96N ovat tästä johtuen poikkeusreitillä.

Diversion route 1-2 October

Route 90 is diverted to run via Leikosaarentie and Gustav Pauligin katu. The bus does not serve Aurinkotuulenkatu, Solvikinkatu and Aurinkolahden puistotie.
The following stops are not served: "Ivan Falinin kuja" (H4649 and H4650), "G. Pauligin katu" (H4651and H4652), "Aurinkotuulenkatu" (H4653 and H4654) and "Sumukuja" (H4656 and H4655).
Instead, the bus serves the "Vuotie" stops (H4601 and H4600) and the "Aurinkolahti" stop (H4602).

Linja 90 poikkeusreitti

Route 96N is diverted to run via Gustav Pauligin katu. The bus does not serve Aurinkotuulenkatu,  Solvikinkatu and Aurinkolahden puistotie.

The following stops are not served: "Ivan Falinin kuja" (H4649 and H4650), "G. Pauligin katu" (H4651 and H4652), "Aurinkotuulenkatu" (H4653 and H4654), "Sumukuja" (H4656 and H4655), "Vuotie" (H4600 and H4601) and "Aurinkolahti" (H4602 and H4658).

Linja 96N poikkeusreitti

Diversion routes 3-7 October

From 3 October, bus 90 is diverted to run via Leikosaarentie and Gustav Pauligin katu.  The bus does not serve Aurinkotuulenkatu between Leikosaarentie and Vuotie, and the "Aurinkolahti" (H4658) and "Sumukuja" (H4655) stops are not served. 
Instead, the bus serves the "Vuotie" stops (H4601 and H4600 in the opposite direction) and "Aurinkolahti" (H4602) stops.

Linja 90 poikkeusreitti Aurinkolahti

From 3 October, bus 96N is diverted to run via Gustav Pauligin katu. The bus does not serve Aurinkotuulenkatu between Leikosaarentie and Vuotie and Vuotie.

The following stops are not served: "Sumukuja" (H4655), "Vuotie" (H4600 and H4601 and "Aurinkolahti" (H4602 and H4658.
Linja 96N poikkeusreitti