Ending date has been updated to 30 May. Buses 87N and 88B will not serve the Haakoninlahdenkatu stops in Laajasalo 4-30 May

Ending date has been updated to 30 May. Buses 87N and 88B will not serve the "Haakoninlahdenkatu" (H4695 and H4697) stops in Laajasalo from 4 May to 30 May. The closest stops are the "Stansvikintie" (H4156 and H4157) stops on Koirasaarentie, about 300 meters further towards Yliskylä.

Buses 87N and 88B will not serve the "Haakoninlahdenkatu" (H4695 and H4697) stops in Laajasalo from 4 May to 30 May. The stops will be closed for excavation works. The closest stops are the "Stansvikintie" (H4156 and H4157) stops on Koirasaarentie, about 300 meters further towards Yliskylä. 

Bus 88 serves the stops in both directions (Kaitalahti and Herttoniemi).

Map showing the Haakoninlahdenkatu and Stansvikintie stops
