U line bus 193 to start running in Siuntio on Monday 7 June

U line bus 193 will start running in Siuntio on Monday 7 June. HSL's tickets are accepted on the route on journeys within the HSL area.

A new U line bus service, 193(T) will start running in Siuntio on Monday 7 June. HSL's tickets are accepted on the route on journeys within the HSL area. For example, for journeys to Inkoo and Lohja, you need another ticket.  


(Inkoo–)Degerbyntie–Siuntion matkahuolto–Uusikylä ( –Lohja–Lohja Hospital)


U193T, direction 1

(Inkoo–) Degerbyntie– Siuntion matkahuolto– Siuntio railway station–Uusikylä (–Lohja–Lohja Hospital)

Reittikartta linja 193 reitistä