Changes to the stops for route 24 on Hietaniemenkatu from 28 September

The "Väinämöisenkatu" bus stops (H1265 and H1266) will be relocated towards Hietaniemen ranta and the "Väinämöisenkenttä" bus stop (H1268) will be closed from 28 September.

The "Väinämöisenkatu" bus stops (H1265 and H1266) for bus route 24 on Hietaniemenkatu will be relocated towards Hietaniemen ranta on Tuesday 28 September. Stop H1265 will be relocated about 70 meters, stop H1266 about 30 meters. 

In addition, the "Väinämöisenkenttä" stop (H1268) will be closed. The closest stop in the direction of Kamppi is "Väinämöisenkatu" (H1266).

The changes are due to improvement works on Hietaniemenkatu.

New stop locations on a map