Tram services to return to normal timetables from 12 December – Terminus of tram 3 to move to Meilahti Hospital

The terminus of tram 3 will move to Meilahti Hospital on Monday 12 December. At the same time, tram services will return to normal timetables.

The terminus of tram 3 will move to Meilahti Hospital on Monday 12 December. The terminus of the tram has been at the Töölö depot since the former Kuusitie terminus was closed.

The new terminus is called “Meilahden sairaala” (stop number H0131, Meilahti Hospital) and it is in the Rosina Heikel Park, at the junction of Haartmaninkatu and Tukholmankatu. The “Töölöntulli” stop (H0113/H0114) on Tukholmankatu is also along the new route.

Tram 3 will no longer serve the “Ooppera” (H0107), “Töölön halli” (H0109 and H0110) and “Kansaneläkelaitos” (H0112 and H0641) stops on Mannerheimintie and Nordenskiöldinkatu.

At the same time, tram services will return to normal timetables. Trams 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 have been operating a reduced service since the end of October due to shortage of drivers. The timetables of bus 10X, which replaced tram services in Pikku Huopalahti, will also change.

Tram routes from 12 December 2022 

Map in PDF fo-tiedostona